3 Factors to Consider When Automating Your Factory

Full automation of all manufacturing processes is one way to achieve efficiency and deliver high quality products to clients. This article discusses three critical elements that you should consider when automating your newly opened factory.

Connected Factory Devices

There are very many advantages to linking all the equipment in your factory on one network. For instance, it enables you to manage production processes remotely. It also reduces the amount of hardware that you need to keep manufacturing systems functioning. For example, one server can be used to store all the information needed to design products. That same server can also have the information needed to track the performance of machine components to prevent downtime. Your challenge is in clearly communicating your needs to an engineering expert so that an appropriate system is designed to cater for your current and future IoT (internet of things) needs.

Cloud Computing

This refers to the use of a remote location for the storage of the data of your factory. The remote storage space is managed by another entity other than your own staff. You need to weigh the pros and cons of taking your data to the cloud. For instance, cloud-computing cuts down your costs of maintaining IT software since you will not be limited to the use of proprietary data systems. On the downside, special attention needs to be placed on securing your critical data from security breaches over the internet.

Big Data

Another aspect that you need to think about when automating your factory is how you will use all the data that modern equipment is capable of collecting. For instance, it is now possible to track the drop in the performance of machine components as they make different products. Such data can enable you to procure different components so that they can be used to make only those products that each equipment is most suitable for. You should install analytical tools that will enable you to get a competitive edge based on how well you are using that huge volume of data collected by your networked processes.

Each of the factors above has its own unique strengths and challenges. Your biggest job is to identify an engineering expert who will help you to develop an automation system that brings together all the advantages of cloud computing, big data and factory internet (connectedness) of objects and processes. That engineer can also design how to overcome the challenges that some automation procedures bring (such as the security risks posed by granting remote access to your equipment for purposes of upgrading operating systems). Consider looking for local services. For instance, if you're in Brisbane, you might search for Brisbane engineering specialists.
